Sedona Hike of the Month

Sedona’s Boynton Canyon Vista

When the days are short and the temperatures chilly, we like to explore some of Sedona’s shorter trails, and Boynton Canyon Vista checks all the boxes. The trail leads to a saddle between two red rock…

Brins Mesa Trail

Back in June 2006, Brins Mesa made headlines when a fire broke out in the area, scorching more than 4,000 acres. Nine years later, you can still see the evidence when you hike the popular –…

Weir Trail

The weather outside is frightful…frightfully hot! When you want to find a swimming hole where you can beat the heat, check out Weir Trail. An offshoot of Bell Trail located east of I-17, Weir Trail ends…

Sedona Hike: Table Top Trail

With a name like Table Top, you can be fairly confident that the trail will offer spectacular views – and it does. But the route actually takes its name from Airport Mesa, which was originally Table…

Hike Sedona: Hog Heaven

If you read our March 2015 cover story, you know the growing popularity of mountain biking in Sedona has led to the adoption of new trails by Coconino National Forest. One of our recent discoveries is…