Travels with Ted: Searching for Birds of Prey in Sedona

Travels with Ted

Raptors or birds of prey are apex predators that contribute to the balance of nature by keeping populations of grasshoppers, mice, rats, gophers, fish, rabbits, birds and other species in check. We have many different species of raptors among us: the diminutive American Kestrel weighing in at just four to five ounces to the bald and golden eagles that can weigh up to 15 pounds and have wingspans of up to nine feet.

Travels with Ted

Few creatures capture the imagination more than raptors. They put on quite a show. I’ve seen a red-tailed hawk or an eagle soar far above the ground looking for prey. I’ve watched in excitement as a Harris’s hawk flew low over open fields in search of rabbits or other prey hiding in bushes and an osprey diving from the sky and hitting the water at 80 mph as he hunts for fish or the aerial combat of a Cooper’s hawk taking another bird out of the sky. We have all of these raptors in Sedona and many places to view them in action.

Travels with Ted

The photo above is an osprey leaving his perch from a branch overhanging the water going for a fish he is targeting. Ospreys, like bald eagles, are primarily fish hawks. Anywhere you have water and fish, you will likely find both ospreys and eagles. The bald eagle shot portrays a mating pair with the male eagle leaving his perch on a cliff face and the larger female remains in place.

Travels with Ted

The Harris’s hawk is also leaving its perch on a branch in search of a bunny as the bird hunts the open fields, flying low over the ground, ready to drop down and get a meal to go.

Travels with Ted

The common black hawk is wheeling away from me in Oak Creek Canyon. They also like to be close to the water and will take fish, lizards or small animals for prey. The osprey with the fish is departing Rainbow Trout Farm, up the Canyon, with a rainbow trout for dinner. You will find all of these raptors and more in Sedona and the Verde Valley. You may even spot me as I am out trying to capture them as they live and fly among us.

Ted Grussing

Ted Grussing is a photographer who resides in Sedona. Visit to learn more about him and his work.

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