The Cibola Pass Trail is one of our favorite short hikes in Sedona. The Uptown Sedona trail offers stellar views of many of the major red rock formations in the area. We can’t think of a more perfect time to appreciate these views than after snow has fallen. Seeing the red rocks dusted in fresh powder makes them more magical. Plus, you can do this trail even if you don’t have much time. From the trailhead, turn right. You’ll first see a sign for the Brins Mesa Trail on your right. The Cibola Pass Trail sign is down and to the left. The trail starts off unlike most Sedona trails in that you’re surrounded by vegetation and hiking by trees and bushes – along with a sprinkling of cactuses throughout, naturally – all around you. The trail winds and climbs gradually. You’ll eventually reach a red rock outcropping to your right. Be sure to take a moment to turn around and just take in all the red rocks dusted with fresh white powder from here. You can see most of the major red rock formations in Uptown.

Red rocks dusted with snow from the trail.
From there, the trail levels off until you’ll reach a wire fence with wooden posts at around 0.5 miles. Head in between the two posts and then take a left to descend. The entire time, you’ll get pretty close to some other red rock formations too. In the distance, see if you can spot the “three fingers” red rock.

A scene from the Cibola Pass Trail.
One of our other favorite things about this trail is that it connects with so many others. The Cibola Trail ends at the Jordan Trail, and you can take many different adventures from here. Take a left onto the Jordan Trail to complete a loop trail where you’ll eventually end up back in the parking lot. If you take a right at the Jordan, you’ll reach the Devil’s Kitchen sinkhole – one of the largest in
Sedona. Or head back the way you came for an out-andback hike that totals just over one mile. Enjoy the snow and views.

You might just spot water flowing if you hike this trail shortly after snow has fallen.