Be Kind
Nov. 13 is the Sedona Day of Kindness that’s sponsored by SedonaKind. In partnership with the Sedona Film Festival, see two showings of “The Kindness of Strangers” at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre. On Nov. 10,…
Nov. 13 is the Sedona Day of Kindness that’s sponsored by SedonaKind. In partnership with the Sedona Film Festival, see two showings of “The Kindness of Strangers” at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre. On Nov. 10,…
WOLF TALK From Nov. 10 to 14, Sedona Wolf Week seeks to raise awareness of wolves, dispel wolf myths, generate awareness and develop advocates through multiple educational mediums and interaction with the Apex Protection Project Ambassador…
The Sedona Women’s slogan is “Making A Difference.” And for over two decades, the organization has done just that. This nonprofit of about 275 members helps the local community in many ways. The group offers scholarships…
BOYS TO MEN MENTORING NORTH CENTRAL AZ The mission of Boys to Men North Central Arizona is to promote fundamental positive change in the lives of boys, their families, and the community by harnessing the power…