Munds Mountain Trail No. 77 in Sedona
The only remnant of any movie set ever built in Sedona is a tall rock chimney and fireplace shrouded in brush and trees on a rocky basalt road at the top of the Mogollon Rim. Reaching…
The only remnant of any movie set ever built in Sedona is a tall rock chimney and fireplace shrouded in brush and trees on a rocky basalt road at the top of the Mogollon Rim. Reaching…
On April 1, 1952, a 1-kiloton atomic bomb, part of the U.S. military’s Operation Tumbler-Snapper – aimed at developing tactical nuclear weapons – was detonated at Area 5 of the Nevada Proving Ground, later known as…
March 2014 Calendar Mar. 1 20th Annual Sedona International Film Festival (thru 3/2). Call 928-282-1177 for information or visit www.SedonaFilmFestival.org The PEACE Program: Project for Empathy and Compassion Education with Lisa Doskocil, 10 a.m. (every Saturday…
When the first issue of Sedona Monthly was published in 2003, it included a story about the filming of 1950’s Broken Arrow in Red Rock Country. Joe McNeill, the article’s author and the magazine’s creative director,…
When we moved to Sedona many moons ago, we felt like we already knew the town like the back of our own hand – we had, after all, vacationed in Sedona for five years. But a…
A lot has changed in Sedona, including local fashion, since Zane Grey’s The Call of the Canyon was filmed in the area in 1923, but our red rock skylines aren’t really fazed by 86 years….
Actors Clint Walker, Edd “Kookie” Byrnes, Robert Horton, and Morgan Woodward were the guests of honor on Feb. 3 when Los Abrigados Resort and Spa hosted the second of the four planned “Hands Through History” evenings…
Fifty years ago this month, a production crew from Hollywood set up in Sedona to begin shooting Johnny Guitar; 44 days later, they carried away the raw footage of a cowboy movie that eventually would be…
The Bradshaw Ranch is padlocked now. In May 2003, it became another parcel of federal land, soon to blend into the rest of the Forest Service holdings surrounding it. But while the future of the land…