Giving Back Giving Thanks
Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters Verde Valley Sanctuary
Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters Verde Valley Sanctuary
Domestic violence is tragically all too common. As many as one in four women and one in seven men have experienced some kind of domestic violence. But there is hope. Locally, the Verde Valley Sanctuary has…
Anyone who’s ever had a mentor can tell you about the importance of having one. Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters is a local offshoot of a national organization that finds adults to mentor young people ages…
Around 3 million people visit Sedona every year, and many of them hike on Sedona’s famed trails. Given that high traffic, it makes total sense that the trails need maintenance. Back in 2013 at a public…
The name of the nonprofit Meals on Wheels says it all. The local chapter of the national organization delivers meals to those in need, mostly senior citizens, who reside in Sedona. “Some of these people have…