May 2024 Horoscopes by Elaine Marolakos Edelson


* April’s Aries Solar Eclipse in effect, echoing your need to find the courage to move forward. Remember: harmony with cash, relationships, releasing what doesn’t resonate. Focus on momentum, championing causes. Pluto in Aquarius = Mind-blowing realizations. Uranus, Jupiter in Taurus = Radical self-investments. Sun Sign is your theme. Rising Sign equals wealth, health, passion and purpose. Read both.

TAURUS April 21-May 21

Universal spotlight. Decisions made now, based on true heart-filled surges of joy, lead to dreams coming true. Hemmed and hawed over putting yourself first? Ready to be more independent, do what you love? Now’s it. You’re a Divine, Sentient, Celestial Being (like all signs/souls) gearing up for a pivot. You’ve laid the foundation for a new reality (with trust). Take one step toward your joy, then another. What if you got what you wanted? Allow.

GEMINI May 22-June 21

Deep-diving into your psyche through proven therapeutic methods? Hm. What’s touted by some, may not work for you. Close your eyes; get out of your head. Focus on sensations you have with people, situations, words themselves. What are the feelings? Dwelt on vibrations emanate a frequency, and those vibes create physical matter. (Yes, a proven scientific fact.) You’ve made everything in your world! Impressive. Now you can do it more consciously, with intention. That’s empowerment.

CANCER June 22-July 22

You’re involved with (or about to be partnered with) a group or association that truly values your vision. Whether it’s a clientele, family, networking posse, career affiliate or contemporary in your industry, the accolades come your way, along with more of what you want. You might be featured in a publication or speak at an event. Communicate your “asks.” Be open to new ways of needs met. Start a book, a financial or a dream club!

LEO July 23-Aug. 23

Career, life direction. New business? Retire? Scale? To manifest faster, envision your aims or simply feel the “feelings” of how your “ideal” world feels. When you match the vibration of anything, you call it to you like a mage. Practice daily, coupled with appreciation for what you already have. Then act on what you can. If you focus on what you don’t have, you’ll vibe to that, get more of it. See how it works?

VIRGO Aug. 24-Sept. 23

From studies to teaching, travel to researching, renegotiating contracts (for biz, insurance, to a new car) to pursuing your needs with decisiveness and articulation, makes now exciting, productive, (awe-inspiring for some). Use your values as your new gold standard, and life gets easier and easier. In fact (I’ve done it, and it works). Repeat many times daily: “Everything comes to me easily, effortlessly. I feel so grateful.” And watch how others look for your magic wand.

LIBRA Sept. 24-Oct. 23

Your money and joint resources are the big foci. With whom do you invest your time, money, energy and assets? Insurance company? New accountant? Perhaps this is more about estate planning. There could be an invitation to divest capital and invest in a steadily performing. Fill in the blank. Spouse undergoes a shift in income, too. Bonuses, raises, losses, retirement outlook, Social Security and tax information play a part. The real question: What do you value most?

SCORPIO Oct. 24-Nov. 22

How do you perceive your role in relationships? If you work and play with a mate, it’s a very revealing time about truest desires and the plans to get ahead. If you’ve struggled with significant others, biz partners, clients, employees(ers), then this is a time to collaborate on mutual goals. If divorcing, stick to your principles, not just what the law allows. No grudge matches! Release attachments to the past and start anew. Trust!

SAGITTARIUS Nov. 23-Dec. 21

Itchy eyebrows? Sluggish? Weight gain? Hair loss? Research thyroid/adrenal health. Scratchy throat? Allergies or cold? Check with health care team. Ready to champion that cause? Present to the committee? Publish? Defining your audience? With health and work, your “voice” is on the agenda, which means your health must be optimal. Something on your back burner is happening. Hydrate. Exercise in supportive ways. Body/mind meditations give your Spirit a platform.

CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Love, romance, playtime, creation, sudden (but hoped for) streams of steady inspiration to write, speak, dance, paint, sing and make merry abound. Caution: If you’re not wanting a baby, buckle up! A truly practical, yet flourishing time to put your ideas into reality. Careful of overindulgences, though. Follow your intuition. If you are not done doing chores, yet ideas pop into your mind, listen! Act. Pure Spirit coming through that you can bank on later.

AQUARIUS Jan. 21-Feb. 19

Property, rentals, buying, selling, refurbishing or just a deep clean excites you. Maybe you find yourself in the back of the closet, combing through a box with high school T-shirts! Take a sec to look back from whence you’ve come. Pivot toward actions (or inactions) that increase joy. Evaluate (not judge) you, your maternal parent and what serves, what doesn’t. Then regard yourself as Pure Conscious Love and donate the rest. It’s called, growin.’

PISCES Feb. 20-March 20

Are you a Sagittarius Rising or Moon? Then teaching, writing, publishing is highlighted even more. What new belief would you like to adopt? Most folks recreate the past in the present, never altering the future, just by focusing on what was. How and what do you express now? Learn one new thing a day to alter dead-end patterns. Look up neuroplasticity. Value thoughts if they represent your true self. If not? Think new thoughts. Express truths. Be heard.

ARIES March 21-April 20

Values, security, self-worth, budgets and investments of time, energy, cash all apply now. An unexpected opportunity presents itself. You might think it a drastic departure from the past or refuse it from lack of self-Love. Do you allow it or invest in it? How does it feel? If your heart opens and you feel free, validated, excited, there’s a clue. Of course, you must do your due diligence, too. Trust that your Higher Inner Being knows what you want!

Elaine Marolakos Edelson is a globally recognized intuitive/astrologer. Get your complimentary chart on Elaine’s website at or contact her at Watch free Thursday Live Facebook Shows at

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