Northern Arizona Watercolor Society

Northern Arizona Watercolor Society
“Maine Coast” by Mike Trulson

Since 1995, members of the Northern Arizona Watercolor Society (NAWS) have gathered nearly every month in Sedona to celebrate the art form of watercolor. Meetings typically consist of a business meeting followed by an artist demonstrating watercolor. Meetings are open to the public and are not just for members. The reason for the group’s longevity in member Sandra Beck’s eyes is simple. “They offer a lot for their members,” says Sandra, a past president and treasurer of the organization.

Specifically, here’s what NAWS offers in addition to meetings: The organization also hosts three to four workshops annually. These are at first open to members of NAWS and then to the general public. The group also has one or two exhibitions per year. Critique groups also meet monthly to provide feedback on the artists’ latest works. Many watercolor classes in Sedona are taught by NAWS members. NAWS also has a robust collection of instructional DVDs that members can check out for free to learn more. The group got its unofficial beginnings back in 1980 when a member of the Arizona Watercolor Association, Anna Mary Seyfert, moved from Phoenix to Sedona. After driving down to Phoenix for numerous meetings, she decided to start her own local chapter. The group has flourished ever since then. Sandra has been a member since 2008 for social and personal reasons. “I’ve learned a lot from the workshops, number one. Number two, friends. I’ve made a lot of friends because there’s a shared interest,” she says. “It’s just a pleasant group, and it’s a fun organization.”

She estimates that the group currently has anywhere from 100 to 125 members who all gather to celebrate the unique medium of watercolor. “Watercolor is my favorite art form,” she says. “The colors are very lightfast. Once the painting has set then you can actually put it under a faucet and scrub it, and it won’t change. So it’s just a wonderful art form, but it’s a challenge. It’s more difficult than oil. But it’s a fun challenge.” − Teresa K. Traverse

Northern Arizona Watercolor Society, The Northern Arizona Watercolor Society hosts monthly meetings from September through May on the fourth Friday of the month (except in November and December when it’s held on the third Friday) at the Sedona United Methodist Church. Visit for more information.

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