The Watters Band

The Watters Band
The Watters Band. Photo by Daniel Nguyen.

The Watters band may be based in Texas, but the band has deep roots in Sedona. Husband and wife team, Daniel and Jenna Watters, were both born and raised in town. They were even on the pee wee football team together. Jenna took voice lessons while Daniel took guitar lessons in the same home from different instructors. The pair just didn’t know it at the time. “Our high school didn’t really have like a band, per se, but we just got to be our own band, and we were given the green light to do all the talent shows and play at even community centers,” says Daniel. “We just had a lot of creative free reign, which was really cool, and a lot of support from the community.”

They performed together their senior year of high school in 2005, but then went their separate ways. He went to college in Los Angeles, and she traveled around the world. Post-college, the pair linked up and went to Denver where they started their first band, The Oak Creek Band. After about four years in Colorado, the pair relocated to Nashville. Nashville just didn’t feel right and on a drive out to their next intended destination, California, the couple stopped in Austin. They’ve been in Texas ever since and have been a couple for nearly 15 years. Their families are still in Sedona, and the pair return home regularly. The couple says their sound is an eclectic mix of indie rock, folk and Americana. On the band’s website, the sound is described as “Fleetwood Mac with a horn section.” The Watters band has released three albums and one EP. Their latest album, “Duality,” came out in April. They write their own songs and both sing on their records and live. Jenna plays rhythm guitar, and Daniel plays a variety of instruments. “I wouldn’t say the sound necessarily is influenced by Sedona, but I would say our lyrics are,” says Jenna. “We have a few songs that are about Sedona.”

The Watters band even played a special show to close out the Sedona International Film Festival earlier this year. The full seven-piece band played. The lineup typically includes two horns, bass, drums, keys, guitar and vocals. “The place was packed. The community really came and showed their love. It’s so, so meaningful to us,” says Jenna. “We love to come back and play for the community.”

“It was just very full circle,” says Daniel. “It was really cool to come back and return to our roots.” – Teresa K. Traverse

The Watters Band, Visit for more information.

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