Home Design and Function

Travels with Ted
Photo 1

Home is where you live and the type of home you have is dependent on your tastes and frequently the depth of wallet, for humans. For other species, home is not so much where they live, but a structure where they have their young and raise them until the kids are on their own. For birds, this means a nest that affords protection from the elements and predators. The exact design is dependent on the type of bird. In #1 above we see a rather minimalist nest at the top of a tree made by ospreys. An adult osprey is on the left side of the nest and seems to be telling the kids that it is time to leave home. In fact, they did fledge or leave the nest for the first time. They remain partially dependent on their parents for the next couple of weeks to months. They need to learn to fish, and the adults help them learn the skills to feed themselves.

Travels with Ted

Photo 2

#2 shows a pair of adult bald eagles doing work on their nest, and it is huge. This nest has been used for quite a few years and is probably around eight to 10 feet in diameter. In 2024, they had two eaglets, and I got photographs of them fledging and for a couple of months afterward.

Travels with Ted

Photo 3

#3 is last year’s brood of Red Tail Hawks on the edge of their nest tucked into a small cave about 150 feet above the ground in the Red Tail Cliff loop area of Sedona. The one on the right is trying his wings out and within days of taking this photo, they all fledged.

Travels with Ted

Photo 4

#4 shows a pair of Cliff Swallows entering their adobe-style home high on a cliff sheltered by an overhang, offering protection from wind and rain. The swallows gather pieces of mud and affix them individually to the cliff and each other during construction.

Travels with Ted

Photo 5

#5 shows a House Finch at its home tucked even farther into the cliff wall feeding its chicks. We, of course, have more opulent homes, but other creatures are able to design and construct homes that meet their needs, and life goes on.Ted Grussing

Ted Grussing is a photographer who resides in Sedona. Visit tedgrussing.com to learn more about him and his work.

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