Meet Ted’s Pets: Gentle Ones He Has Known

Travels with Ted
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Travels with Ted

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Over the years we meet and get to know many whom we deem amazing. That includes non-human creatures that we have accepted into our lives. They bring comfort and solace at times when we need it in addition to playfulness and laughs. So it is with me and fortunately, I have documented and taken photographs of many of them.

Travels with Ted

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Creatures that we call pets probably understand us better than we do, and their lives are simple. They do not go on Facebook or TikTok or in chatrooms. They live for and in the day that they find themselves. There is no equivocation or conditions attached to their love of us. They are there for us. This is what life is: Today is all we have and no guarantee of anything else.

Travels with Ted

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Enjoy each moment of each day you are here and share it with another creature who accepts you as you are! Smile and keep breathing. Life is good, and we are here. And so are they!

Travels with Ted

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1. Kaylee, a friend’s Collie who still walks by our home in the evening. 2. Q, a mystical cat who lived with us for years. 3. (Seen at the top of this page) A Golden Retriever puppy being nurtured by parents. Her future was to be a service dog. 4. Arthur, a friend’s cat hunting on the golf course. 5. Bently and Pipi, a friend’s dogs who came by in a golf cart every evening.

Ted Grussing

Ted Grussing is a photographer who resides in Sedona. Visit to learn more about him and his work.

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